Are We Giving the Next Generation a Leg up?
(about a 3.5 minute read)
“We don’t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to.”
[Brené Brown]
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Whenever Millennials are the topic in the workplace, one request often stands out: “Don’t label us. We’re individuals and don’t want to be painted with the same broad brush.”
I resonate with that sentiment. No one wants to be seen as “generic”. Yet, when we look at the statistics about burnout, it’s hard not to feel concerned. Across studies, 40–45% of Millennials report feeling burnt out or stressed most of the time — higher than for any other generation.
While each individual has their own relationship with stress and coping, I found this pattern is striking. It made me think: What is different about the Millennials? Are we failing this generation? What have we done — or failed to do — to prepare Millennials for success? And as leaders, what role do we play in addressing this challenge?
A student project with an unlikely teacher
I was recently involved in a research project exploring how equine-assisted coaching could teach empathy as a leadership skill. The project, part of a social innovation class, offered undergrad students two options: participate in a hands-on experience with horses, or complete a traditional assignment. Out of 28 students, 17 chose the equine-assisted experience. Some had been around horses before, but many hadn’t. Despite this, everyone came with curiosity and an open mind, ready to see what it would be like to have a horse as their teacher.
The task seemed straightforward: guide the horse as a team, but without a halter or lead rope — just using presence and influence. At first, it was as simple as taking the horse for a walk. But as the groups settled in, the exercises became more challenging. Turns, stops and even obstacles were added to the mix.
From “Me” to “We”
As teams of three or four began their work, the students were encouraged to experiment: try staying on the same side of the horse, or split up and work from different sides. They strategized, planning where to head next, when to turn, and how to stop. Everyone had a chance to step into different roles — taking turns leading from various positions or stepping back as a supportive follower.
Each team’s journey was unique. In one case, a student confidently took the lead, walking ahead and charting a direction. Convinced their teammates — and the horse — were following, they turned around to find everyone scattered across the arena. The connection had been lost!
Another team of four carefully walked the horse along the arena wall, feeling they’d successfully worked as a unit. But when I asked if everyone had stayed together, one student quietly shared they’d had to fall back after getting caught between the horse and the wall. None of their teammates had even noticed!
Through these moments, the students began to understand something profound: their individual actions influenced the whole, and the team’s collective energy directly impacted their horse partner. With time, each group transformed from a collection of individuals into a cohesive unit.
During our debriefs, the students shared their biggest surprises and takeaways. Without exception, they were amazed by the power of teamwork and how aligning as a group made the horse respond. They experienced firsthand that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Even though success couldn’t be attributed to any one individual, each student felt a genuine sense of accomplishment.
The cost of doing it alone
Reflecting on this project, I can’t help but wonder: is hyper-individualism part of why burnout is so prevalent among Millennials? Many young people seem skeptical of teamwork, believing they must excel or achieve everything themselves.
But that mindset is unsustainable. When you think you need to do it all, know it all, and be the best at everything, burnout is almost inevitable. The truth is, none of us can succeed in isolation.
Teamwork offers a different path. Yet, if young professionals enter the workforce without knowing or trusting the power of collaboration, where have we as educators and leaders fallen short?
Reimagining Teams
What if we approached building teams differently? So often the focus is on skills and seniority. When we build teams based on diversity — balancing introverts and extroverts, including varied cultural perspectives, and drawing on a range of experiences, we unlock the true potential of teamwork.
What if we prioritized meaningful personal connections? Imagine a team meeting once a month where the agenda is curiosity — sharing hopes, dreams, or stories, instead of just managing tasks. I believe this is feasible even for remote teams or teams that work with a hybrid model.
And what if we encouraged creativity in new, engaging ways? For a generation that thrives on technology, we could invite contributions through videos, voice recordings, or drawings instead of relying on legacy formats, like reporting in writing.
These shifts could unlock the intelligence of both individuals and teams while creating a culture of collaboration that supports resilience — and helps address the burnout crisis.
If you’re ready to move your team from individual “me-s” to powerful “we-s,” I’d love to help. Book a free 30-minute discovery call here to explore how my programs can support your team’s growth and success.