A Unique Way of Learning

Your choice of programs

We offer equine-assisted coaching programs of different depth and intensity for individuals, couples and teams. All programs strategically integrate equine-assisted sessions with private coaching sessions to go further in depth.

We also offer single equine-assisted connection sessions for individuals, couples and teams who want to discover slowness, focus on mindfulness, and find true connection. Please read below for more details.

Individual Coaching

If you’re seeking to increase your awareness of yourself, your relationships, and/or your leadership skills, this program is for you.

You will gain more clarity about who you are - your intentions, values and principles - how you show up, and your impact on others.

You will improve your active listening skills and learn how to communicate with intention and compassion.

You will “see things differently”, gain new perspectives on problems or issues and increase your capacity and capability to lead.

You can choose between a 3-month or 6-month program. Each program includes a baseline report after the first equine-assisted coaching session. This report captures key observations and lessons learned to build upon.

Here is an outline of the 3-month program which consists of 6 coaching sessions scheduled bi-weekly:

  1. Equine-assisted session: 60-90 minutes

  2. Private session: 60 minutes

  3. Private session: 60 minutes

  4. Equine-assisted session: 60-90 minutes

  5. Private session: 60 minutes

  6. Private session and completion: 60 minutes

Curious to learn more?

Couples Coaching

You want to increase your awareness of your relationship, rekindle your appreciation for one another, or gain new perspectives on problems and challenges that are lying ahead? Come talk to us!

You will gain more clarity about who you are, both regarding your individual roles and talents, and as a couple. You will reflect on your values and principles, and who you are in relation to others.

You will improve your active listening skills and learn how to communicate with intention and compassion.

You will “see things differently”, gain new insights on your strengths and potential areas of growth, as well as the collective intelligence within your partnership.

You can choose between a 3-month or 6-month program. Each program includes a baseline report after the first equine-assisted coaching session. This report captures key observations and lessons learned to build upon.

Here is an outline of the 3-month program which consists of 6 coaching sessions scheduled bi-weekly:

  1. Equine-assisted session: 60-90 minutes

  2. Private session: 60 minutes

  3. Private session: 60 minutes

  4. Equine-assisted session: 60-90 minutes

  5. Private session: 60 minutes

  6. Private session and completion: 60 minutes

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Team Coaching

Teams are relationship systems that are in a constant state of emergence.

If your team has been newly formed, is facing significant change, finds itself at a crossroads in its way of operating, or if you seek to strengthen your team’s connection, this program is for you.

You will gain important insights about your team’s identity, roles within your team, your team’s strengths and potential areas of growth, as well as the collective intelligence and generative nature of your team.

Your team will benefit from our programs by increasing awareness, building resilience, gaining new perspectives on problems or issues, and achieving clarity on potential paths forward.

You can choose between a 3-month or 6-month program. Each program includes a baseline report after the first equine-assisted coaching session. This report captures key observations and lessons learned to build upon.

Here is an outline of the 3-month program which consists of 6 coaching sessions scheduled bi-weekly:

  1. Equine-assisted session: 90-120 minutes

  2. Private session: 60 minutes

  3. Private session: 60 minutes

  4. Equine-assisted session: 90-120 minutes

  5. Private session: 60 minutes

  6. Private session and completion: 60 minutes

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Connection Seekers

Experiencing a sense of belonging and community is essential to our feeling happy, safe and secure. Connecting to nature and other sentient beings - including horses - allows us to connect to our inner selves, our hopes, dreams and aspirations.

If you are seeking to rekindle this connection - whether for yourself, within your partnership, or amongst your family, friends and peers - we are here for you.

You will experience one equine-assisted connection session that is focused on mindfulness and being present in the moment. After the session we will take time to debrief your experience. You will be able to identify key insights, powerful moments, and how you can transfer these into your day-to-day lives.

This program is being offered for individuals, couples and groups of 3-8 people.

Curious to learn more?


  • At Spiegelbild we see the horses in our programs as true “co-coaches”. We pay utmost attention to matching the personalities of our equine partners with our individual, couple and team clients to create an in-depth and holistic learning experience. As such we utilize the inherent benefits of being around horses to enhance your personal, professional and leadership development. Horses provide a caring, safe environment for humans to reflect, explore and work on moving forward in their lives. Working with horses offers people a unique experience that mirrors real life, is non-judgemental and intuitive. What shows up in the human-horse interaction is directly transferable to human-human interactions, whether in one’s private or professional life.

  • The influx of younger generations into the workplace has added many challenges, including high costs due to decreasing retention rates of these young employees. Studies have found that Millennials in particular are dissatisfied with traditional on-the-job training and development programs. Equine-assisted coaching offers an experiential, individualized and more personalized growth and development opportunity. Spiegelbild’s programs can be tailored to your specific needs and thus address your individual circumstances and challenges.

  • To survive in the wild, horses depend on a fine-tuned awareness of their environment. Horses possess a unique sensitivity to the energy, emotions and intentions of other beings around them (including humans). This makes them talented teachers. Horses are entirely unbiased toward a person’s level of education, age, gender, rank or cultural background.

  • Horses do not lie. They provide honest, in-the-moment feedback on an individual’s ability to communicate with, relate to, and provide direction to others. Horses instinctively respond to a person’s non-verbal signals and intentions. They surface subconscious behaviours and reveal to participants subtle aspects of themselves that they may not be aware of, but that influence how they are perceived by others.

Get started with Spiegelbild, today.